Challenge Lab

Addressing Challenge:

Feel free to initiate and monitor the entire process for the utensils product. Below are the necessary details to ensure a smooth and comprehensive observation:


  1. Re-visit the Smart Retail application console, select any utensils product, and share your thoughts, whether positive or constructive, about the product.

    1. Find the login details for accessing Smart Retail Application below:

      You can skip the login process if you’re already signed in.
      1. Web Url: https://globex-web-sentiment-analysis.{openshift_cluster_ingress_domain}

      2. Username: asilva

      3. Password: openshift

  2. Access the Grafana dashboard to monitor historical sentiments for the utensils product.

    1. Find the login details for accessing RocketChat below:

      You can skip the login process if you’re already signed in.
      1. Grafana URL: https://grafana-route-influxdb-project.{openshift_cluster_ingress_domain}

      2. Username: admin

      3. Password: {gitea_admin_password}

  3. Access the RocketChat monitoring system to view the latest message posted by the Automation Controller.

    1. Find the login details for accessing RocketChat below:

      Please logout and re-login as pm_utensils if you’re already signed in.
      1. RocketChat Url: {rocketchat_url}[window=_blank]

      2. Username: pm_utensils

      3. Password: {rocketchat_admin_password}

    2. Navigate to the #utensils channel and review the new message.

  4. As the product manager overseeing Utensils, following a thorough review of the feedback, Try to execute the necessary ChatOps commands in the #utensils channel for the product.

    Here are the three ChatOps action commands available to the Product Manager:

    • Update Price Command: To update the price of a product, use the command.

    • Block Product Command: To block a specific product, issue the command in the respective channel.

    • Unblock Product Command: To unblock a specific product, issue the command in the respective channel.


    Replace ProductID with the product identifier and NewPrice with the updated price for the product

  5. Navigate to the Event-driven Ansible console and witness the smooth triggering of the Ansible Controller Job Template.

    1. Find the login details for accessing Event-driven Ansible below:

      You can skip the login process if you’re already signed in.
      1. Event-driven Ansible: {eda_controller_web_url}[window=_blank]

      2. Username: {eda_controller_admin_user}

      3. Password: {eda_controller_admin_password}

  6. Access the Automation Controller to observe the job triggered by Event-driven Ansible upon posting the ChatOps action in RocketChat.

    1. Find the login details for accessing Automation Controller below:

      You can skip the login process if you’re already signed in.
      1. Automation Controller: {aap_controller_web_url}[window=_blank]

      2. Username: {aap_controller_admin_user}

      3. Password: {aap_controller_admin_password}

  7. Return to the Smart Retail Application, refresh the page, and locate the same utensil product to verify.

Thank you for taking on the option challenge lab. Your engagement and effort contribute to a collaborative learning experience. If you have any more challenges or questions, feel free to reach out. Great job!